Would-be advertising ?
Thanks to the blog of Brand-development team, I can share with you the Ikea TV-web-to-be-buzzed advert
As Philip says..a little short of brilliant !
Components of the success?
- A tune that wriggles your mind for many hours after hearing it
- An extremely clever filming and editing
- Humour and wit
- Nothing tells you it's an advert... and yet so many people and sites talk about it that everybody knows now it's an IKEA ad!
In this case, like M. Cherifi-Buzzman was explaining during the Nuit du marketing (and as he did for the Tipp-ex ad), most of the budget was used for the realisation of the film , and very little on the media space purchase ...because people and on-lookers did the media spread themselves!
Yes dear, I found my kitchen through the grapevine ...:)
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