Crisis Marketing
When the economy is in crisis, salvation may come from
1- good image (your brand equity is a strong asset when all else disappears)
2- good management of your communication budget (i.e. not cutting into advertising budget as the only adjustable parameter, but keep investing to keep your share of voice)
3- humour (to try and keep a minimum of optimism when everything else is dark as hell)
But when the economy is in crisis, and your brand image or company itself is linked to it (more or less) , you're bound to see humour, brand equity and advertising bounce back at you !
All the fantastic creations down here are a great proof !!!
This is what various logos will look like when the crisis is over....
22:12 Publié dans Marketing & Co | Lien permanent | Commentaires (6) | Tags : crisis, logo, humour | | Facebook