
The magic vase

Mum has just brought me back , from a trip abroad, the most amazing vase !


A simple plastic enveloppe , you just have to fill it with water, and it becomes a light, fun and designful vase.
A simple, yet so brilliant idea ! It reminds me of this one, too..

Says Marion : "It just shows there are still simple inventions waiting to be invented..."
I do agree !


10:16 Publié dans Design & Co | Lien permanent | Commentaires (5) | Tags : design, design produit, invention, product design | |  Facebook


Hi Alice,

Thanks for writing this blog in English - some of us really have to work hard to read French!

Hope you are still enjoying your magic vase

kisses to you and the wee ones

Écrit par : marion | 05/08/2007

Hi Alice,

Thanks for writing this blog in English - some of us really have to work hard to read French!

Hope you are still enjoying your magic vase

kisses to you and the wee ones

Écrit par : marion | 05/08/2007

Thanks Marion!

The wee ones (especially Elastigirl) are actually enjoying the birthday presents too ! :)

P.S: Our ears a bit less though..:)

Écrit par : Alice | 06/08/2007

où peut on commander ses merveilles!!!!!

Écrit par : piat | 26/10/2010


Hélas je n'ai pas des adresses à vous donner
peut-être contacter directement vazu serait la solution ?

il y a sinon des modèles un peu semblables chez Made in design


bonne chasse!

Écrit par : alice | 28/10/2010

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